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Smudging and the Four Sacred Medicines

Smudging and the Four Sacred Medicines


SKU 10574

Written by Sandra Samatte, Ojibwe - Saulteaux - from Skownan First Nation Treaty 2 Territory, and Wahwahbiginojii Dr. David Anderson who is Dene/Anishinabe and Bear Clan. Born in Northern Ontario, he is a member of the Sahtu Dene in Deline NWT.

The 5 Ws and How Series has been created to help All of Us learn and understand who we are, as Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island. The first book in this series, Smudging and the Four Sacred Medicines, will guide you as you learn about Sacred Medicines and Smudging. Learn how Smudging helps us stay strong and connected to All of Creation. Indigenous Peoples have always Smudged and use Sacred Medicines in Ceremony, for Healing, and in daily life. This book shows which Medicines to use in a Smudge, how to Respect the Spirit of the Medicines when Smudging, and reminds us that Smudging is for Everyone