SKU MDC-10334ALSO KNOWN AS: bog Labrador tea, bog tea
PART(S) USED: Dried leaves
OVERVIEW: Labrador tea has been a favorite beverage among the Athabaskan, First Nations, and Inuit people. The Athabaskans brew the leaves as a beverage. Others use Labrador tea to spice meat by boiling the leaves and branches in water and then soaking the meat in the decoction.
TRADITIONAL USES: The Pomo, Kashaya, Tolowa, and Yurok of Northern California boiled the leaves of Western Labrador Tea to make a medicinal herbal tea used to ease coughs and colds.
STORAGE: Keep dry. Store in an airtight container in a dry cupboard away from light. Will keep for many years.
WARNING: This information is for educational purposes only, has not been evaluated by Health Canada, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.